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All Star Cheerleading


Competitive cheerleading is when cheer squads compete against each other at a competition.

At a typical cheerleading competition, teams perform a 2 and a half minute routine with music that includes stunts, jumps, tumbling. Teams are judged by a panel of cheerleading experts on difficulty and execution. The winner in each division gets a trophy and bragging rights.

All types of cheerleading teams have the option to compete, but not all school-based cheerleading squads are competitive. School teams perform routines with a cheer with signs, poms, and megaphones that showcase their sideline skills along with an entertainment section to music.

On the other hand, all star cheerleading squads, who are not affiliated with a school, exist solely to compete. All star routines do not include a cheer since they don’t technically cheer for anyone, and their routines are all entertainment/music. Teams compete based on age and difficulty level (1-6, 6 being the most difficult).

Either way, competing as a cheerleader is really challenging, athletic, and so much fun. If you want to become a competitive cheerleader, find out if your school has a cheer squad that competes or contact a local all star gym. To find a competition in your area, visit

Rather than a traditional tryout format that a school might use, All star uses evaluations to create teams. These evaluations are weighted heavily on tumbling, and coaches will expect you to have all of the required skills for a level in order to be placed on that level-specific team. Chris White of the Stingray All Stars, explains that “most athletes are placed according to tumbling levels, although there are exceptions to the rule. Role players come in handy if the tumbling isn’t there, such as: point jumpers, strong bases, point dancers, flexible top girls, etc.” Prepare to show all of your best skills so coaches know what your strengths are! If you are unsure what level you fall in, check out the chart below to match your skills to your appropriate level.



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